Recent content by TristramEvans

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  1. TristramEvans

    Fudging in RPGs

    The part where some people consider that optional and others don't seems to be the only argument going on that I can see.
  2. TristramEvans

    Fudging in RPGs

    That's putting to words some thoughts that I couldn't. I think about the GM/Player relationship in RPGs, and it's very much like the GM is the substitute for the senses of the player characters who are otherwise blind, deaf, and whatever not-having-olfactory is called. They are brains in jars...
  3. TristramEvans

    Fudging in RPGs

    I opt for shaming them. Lady Gaga's milkshakes don't bring any boys to her yard.
  4. TristramEvans

    Fudging in RPGs

    I still am trying to wrap my head around the point of fudging at all, it just...doesn't logic to me, so I dunno, that was a shot in the dark, but I don't know enough about games where "illusionism is on the table" so to speak to really offer more than a hypothesis.
  5. TristramEvans


  6. TristramEvans

    Fudging in RPGs

    It seems to me what we might be talking about, in a wider sense, is illusionism. And illusionism only works if the players don't know they are being illusioned I guess?
  7. TristramEvans

    Fudging in RPGs

  8. TristramEvans

    Fudging in RPGs

    ah, fair enough, I misread.
  9. TristramEvans

    Fudging in RPGs

  10. TristramEvans

    Fudging in RPGs

    Well, no idea what "pure" means in this context, but the weather has nothing to do with player agency whatsoever (Y'know, unless they are playing Storm from the X-Men or something).
  11. TristramEvans

    Fudging in RPGs

    casting my vote for changing the term used from fudging to "dicefishing"
  12. TristramEvans

    Fudging in RPGs

    Indeed, I still already know how I like to game, and I judge any system based on how well it facilitates my playstyle, rather than adapting myself to the author's proffered approach.
  13. TristramEvans

    Gone and almost forgotten

    Besides D&D, who are the Big Boys these days? White Wolf seems to have completely fallen off my radar, Chaosium seems to be chugging along, but I would assume CoC and Pendragon both count as "niche games", (the latter being quite a bit more niche than the former). the majority of RPGs I get...
  14. TristramEvans

    Moderation Discussion Thread of 2024

    What it looks like is everyone ignored Endless's blue text. Not cool guys.
  15. TristramEvans

    'Seeing' the game.

    Yeah, it's an entirely visual (with audio) experience for me, but that's just how my brain always is. It's impressionistic, and as amorphous of a dream, but capable of startlingly high definition when emotional reactions get involved. I became aware that some folks don't have a visual...
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