Hey Star Wars GMs...

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Apr 25, 2017
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1. What system do you use?
2. What system has the best robot construction rules?
3. What system has the best ship construction rules?
4. What system has the best ship combat rules?
5. Does anyone use the X-wing system for ship combat or any of the other war games for fleet battles or ground battles?
6. What have to Frankensteined in to you SW game ruleswise?
Most of these answers are going to be the D6 system or a variant of it.
The system can handle quite a few of the tropes and is malleable enough that you can throw many different things at it without breaking it. It also handles action-adventure well and isn’t weighed down with a lot of baggage to help emulate the tropes found in the fiction.
  1. I use a variation of the D6 system. I’ve used the D20 system but it broke at levels beyond 7th.
  2. I assume you mean for characters. Is so, none that I’m aware of. We just build characters and say they are droids.
  3. D6 System variants. We never built ships from scratch and only modified what existed. But if I did have to build one, I would use D6.
  4. D6, but none have ever satisfied me. If I were to do really heavy spaceship combats, I would find a system that had a dedicated system for that like Tachyon Squadron.
  5. I love that game and have gotten a lot of mileage out of it, but never tried to integrate it.
  6. Most things I do in a Star Wars game is already integrated into the systems I use. If anything, perhaps the Force was tweaked here and there.
1. WEG D6 1st edition

2-5 No idea. For me, part of the appeal of WEG Star Wars is that it's such a no-fuss sort of set of rules. It doesn't try to be the best rules for anything, it just simple and direct.

6. I have a small set of houserules, largely mixing and matching the rules from subsequent D6 Star Wars rules updates and editions up to D6 Space. Some of the houserules include:

- My own interpretation of multi-action penaltiy and how it applies to reaction (which may or may not be technically correct but works for me)
- The option to trade up to three dice from the attack roll to the damage roll (I think it's from the Spec Ops book)
- Slight adjustment to starting characters points and Jedi power costs (based on the assumption that I don't play very long campaigns anyway).

I also quite like the houserule I've come across whereby Skill Points earned in play must be spent on dice rolls before they can be used for character improvement. I'm currently playing Star Wars D6 campaign in which the GM is using that rule in order to prevent player just hoarding Skill Points. I'll see how this works out in action and I may well adopt that too.
while I have not used it, I will point out there is a RQ6 Star Wars supplement that was put out for free for like one day and then pulled. It has robot construction and ship combat rules. Ship construction less so
I think one of the house rules I was thinking of using for D6 Star Wars was to take the Metaphysics attribute from D6 Space and naming it "Use the Force" and then putting Control, Alter, and Sense underneath it as skills.
Again, I'm a little confused. Are we talking about PC robots or a sidekick robot for a PC?
while I have not used it, I will point out there is a RQ6 Star Wars supplement that was put out for free for like one day and then pulled. It has robot construction and ship combat rules. Ship construction less so
A lot of those rules found their way into the Luther Arkwright supplement, although you most of the specific Star Wars builds for races, ships, etc. In any case, most long-time RQ6/Mythras fans are willing to pass along a copy of the Star Wars PDF if asked politely in private.

I'd probably go with the D6 version or Savage Worlds if I wanted a classic movie feel. I'd like to try out the RQ6 version some time too. It's a little on the gritty side for Star Wars, but it would be fun to see the setting through that lens. RQ is a good system for mysticism in general, so it would work well for delving deeper into the Force.
If any UK guys like Saga Edition, I'm selling my collection. Not because I dislike it, I thi knits he best iterarionnof D20 out there. Just that I don't have a group and don't want the stuff clogging the attic any more.
I used Age of Rebellion from Fantasy Flight. I focused on a Y-wing squadron but we found the space combat wanting. It's a little too abstract so it doesn't really capture the space combat in the movie. For example, 7 or 8 Y-wings easily took out a star destroyer just by launching all their torpedoes. They had more trouble making their rolls to jump to hyperspace than they did destroying the ship.

I would not use those mechanics in the future.

I don't remember much about droids.
A lot of those rules found their way into the Luther Arkwright supplement, although you most of the specific Star Wars builds for races, ships, etc. In any case, most long-time RQ6/Mythras fans are willing to pass along a copy of the Star Wars PDF if asked politely in private.

I'd probably go with the D6 version or Savage Worlds if I wanted a classic movie feel. I'd like to try out the RQ6 version some time too. It's a little on the gritty side for Star Wars, but it would be fun to see the setting through that lens. RQ is a good system for mysticism in general, so it would work well for delving deeper into the Force.
most of my group is watching the mandalorian, so i'll probably offer it up to them at the next campaign as an option (though I am partial to cyberpunk next)
1. I am a fan of Star Wars Saga Edition and it would be my choice for most of the criteria you mention:
2. I really liked the robot as PC but with customisation in SW Saga.
3. It didn't allow you to build ships from the ground up but the customisation of ships was simple and fun, and scratched that itch for me.
4. I really enjoyed the use of miniatures for starship battles and the system in SW Saga was great fun.
5. SW Saga has a great miniatures based combat system for ground and starship combat. So we just used those.
6. Not much. We ended up limiting the options more than adding to them given the number of books SW Saga had.
1. Also a fan of WEG D6 1st edition. Simple, intuitive. Only use a few rules tweaks.
2-3. No clue. Not interested in them.
4. I like the WEG rules for starship combat. I've only played it and the 3.5 version of WotC's SW Rpg. I don't remember it's starship combat being much better.
5. Never played X-Wing. Not interested in fleet level combat.
6. Huh?
1. What system do you use?: WEG Star Wars (mix of 1 and 2E books). But I've tricked people into playing SW with Classic Traveller and it is eye-openingly appropriate, provided you understand that you are allowed to tweak the occasional rule when you play a game.

2. What system has the best robot construction rules? Not sure; probably the GURPS version.

3. What system has the best ship construction rules? Traveller

4. What system has the best ship combat rules? Traveller (esp. with supplements)

5. Does anyone use the X-wing system for ship combat or any of the other war games for fleet battles or ground battles? No

6. What have to Frankensteined in to you SW game ruleswise? The most frankenstein-y thing I've done in this direction is Classic Traveller as core system, a page of notes on blasters and light sabers, a page of notes on extra Psionic powers to make sure all the obvious force powers are represented, and a half page of notes on how your FTL jumps are fast enough to let you hop across the galaxy in a plausible period of time. I didn't play that much of this mash up (perhaps a few sessions), but this seemed like plenty.
On the flip side, I note that I got a couple of the mega brick sized books for that recently published SW game system, and just hated it. Massively over written, in my view.
1. What system do you use?
2. What system has the best robot construction rules?
3. What system has the best ship construction rules?
4. What system has the best ship combat rules?
5. Does anyone use the X-wing system for ship combat or any of the other war games for fleet battles or ground battles?
6. What have to Frankensteined in to you SW game ruleswise?
  1. 1st edition Star Wars from West End Games, accept no substitute.
  2. See answer to 1. if you mean for PCs--if just for making robots in the game, I don't know why I'd need rules: just assign appropriate die codes and you have an astromech droid, a protocol droid, an assassin droid, a medic droid, etc.
  3. Never built a ship from scratch using rules--I just assign die codes as needed. I like the ship improvement rules in 1. as it makes the players invested in their ship.
  4. I have only used those in 1st edition Star Wars from West End Games as they do all I need them to do. I don't play Star Wars if I want gritty realism.
  5. Never heard of it.
  6. Haven't felt any need to do such a thing as I've found 1st edition Star Wars from West End Games works fine, fast and loose as it should be. (I Frankenstein the setting with bits from the Marvel comics and disregard movies made post-1983 as I find them aesthetically displeasing and riddled with contradictions.)
Goddam autocorrect.
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1. What system do you use?
FFG. Played them all, I like FFG for the cinematic nature of the rules.
2. What system has the best robot construction rules?
No clue.
3. What system has the best ship construction rules?
4. What system has the best ship combat rules?
FFG is the Goldilocks zone for me
5. Does anyone use the X-wing system for ship combat or any of the other war games for fleet battles or ground battles?
Tried it a couple times with a select group. Slowed the game down too much for my tastes.
6. What have to Frankensteined in to you SW game ruleswise?
Haven't felt the need to with FFG
1. What system do you use? Savage Worlds with the Companion from the Homebrew section of the PEG Forums. Hands down no question.
2. What system has the best robot construction rules? Depends on if you mean NPC or PC Robots. For PC's I just consider them standard characters with a few tweaks so I'd still say Savage Worlds.
3. What system has the best ship construction rules? Hmm... no real opinion on this.
4. What system has the best ship combat rules? The downfall of almost every system. Still by adding an elevation path to the dogfight rules in Savage Worlds it's actually fun if abstract.
5. Does anyone use the X-wing system for ship combat or any of the other war games for fleet battles or ground battles? Nope
6. What have to Frankensteined in to you SW game ruleswise? Well since I wrote the Companion for Star Wars in Savage Worlds I mentioned in response to #1, i'd say all of that.
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1. What system do you use?

WEG Star Wars 1st Edition

2. What system has the best robot construction rules?
3. What system has the best ship construction rules?

I don't know, I never minded the ones from WEG SW - a bit handwavey perhaps, but I feel like handwavey is appropriate for Star Wars. I don;t think a detailed, GURPs-esque technical construction rules subset would feel right to me. But I don't remember the rules from Star Wars Saga edition, and never read or played FFG Star Wars RPGs.

4. What system has the best ship combat rules?

Knight Hawks for Star Frontiers.

5. Does anyone use the X-wing system for ship combat or any of the other war games for fleet battles or ground battles?

The miniatures game? It wasn't around the last time that I played Star Wars, but I'd be open to giving it a shot. I've heard good things about it.

6. What have to Frankensteined in to you SW game ruleswise?

Knight Hawks for Star Frontiers.

If I were to run Star Wars again, I'd feel the need to come up with some houserules for Beskar.
1. What system do you use?
2. What system has the best robot construction rules?
3. What system has the best ship construction rules?
4. What system has the best ship combat rules?
5. Does anyone use the X-wing system for ship combat or any of the other war games for fleet battles or ground battles?
6. What have to Frankensteined in to you SW game ruleswise?
1,2,4: StarORE was my only attempt...though I'd consider Traveller for the next time, given that there was a very good conversion. If there is a next time.
3,5: Neither know nor care. To me the robots are NPCs, ships are equipment. I also never reached any mass battles in the above game, so...we really need a "shrug" emoji, don't we?
6: Nothing yet.
Well, I've run Star Wars with WEG d6, GURPS, BRP, Galaxies In Shadow, and FFG and I have to say winging it with BRP was the best outcome. That's the one where I had Elric of planet Melnibone address the Jedi Council. I did it because one of the players made a stink when they encountered the Galactica. :grin:
Well, I've run Star Wars with WEG d6, GURPS, BRP, Galaxies In Shadow, and FFG and I have to say winging it with BRP was the best outcome. That's the one where I had Elric of planet Melnibone address the Jedi Council. I did it because one of the players made a stink when they encountered the Galactica. :grin:

At first I read that as the Galaxina, and I was like who on earth would object to encountering Galaxina?

Well, I've run Star Wars with WEG d6, GURPS, BRP, Galaxies In Shadow, and FFG and I have to say winging it with BRP was the best outcome. That's the one where I had Elric of planet Melnibone address the Jedi Council. I did it because one of the players made a stink when they encountered the Galactica. :grin:
Anything that you felt made telling a Star Wars story sing? I’m sort of struggling on how to put it together in my head
Well, I think people mostly want to meet / kill /fuck the characters from established settings. Personally, that's dull and a bit disturbing but when it comes right down to it if they wanted original material they'd play another game in another setting right? So, to my mind you want to let the players interact with the setting and characters and fold in anything you borrow from another source gently. So, they meet this albino darkside user from a planet that once rivalled the Sith but turned inwards and hasn't been involved in galactic policies for longer than there's been a republic. He's got a black lightsabre with red flecks running up it. It helped that none of them had heard of Elric.

I always relate taking my Star Wars action figures to a friend's house and he had another friend over and that friend of a friend firmly believed that the only way to play with the figures was to rigorously reinact the movies. But he's at least partially right

The players want to fly X-Wings and blow up tie fighters. They want to cut a deal with Jabba the hut and walk down the crime ridden streets of Mos Eisely. They want to rescue Princess Leia and book a passage on the Millenium Falcon. You can still jazz it up a bit as long as you don't have a media savy cannon lawyer in the group.
Well, I've run Star Wars with WEG d6, GURPS, BRP, Galaxies In Shadow, and FFG and I have to say winging it with BRP was the best outcome. That's the one where I had Elric of planet Melnibone address the Jedi Council. I did it because one of the players made a stink when they encountered the Galactica. :grin:
That's the one where I had Elric of planet Melnibone address the Jedi Council. I did it because one of the players made a stink when they encountered the Galactica. :grin:
I hope they were suitably chastised, because this sounds like a great campaign.
BttF Chicken.gif
Great, now I need to run a campaign where Darth Vadar claims to be Marty McFly to intimidate someone.
Yes, you do.
If it's Marty McFly, it's time travel and the power of the darkside is insignificant compared to the ability to go back in time and prevent people's parents from ever meeting. That's pretty damn intimidating.
At first I read that as the Galaxina, and I was like who on earth would object to encountering Galaxina?

View attachment 51332
Knowing my players & games... they'd be meeting her on Hoth or something, immedately scream "it's a trap!", and open up with suppressing fire from automatic grenade launchers at a random "suspicous" snow drift. Depending on the previous session they might also call for close air support or an orbital strike.
You can still jazz it up a bit as long as you don't have a media savy cannon lawyer in the group.
Well that’ll be a problem. They are all media savvy lawyers.
So, sometimes you have to steal from media less familiar to geeks. Shakespere and The Bible are both pretty good sources for plots and character names.
1. What system do you use?
2. What system has the best robot construction rules?
3. What system has the best ship construction rules?
4. What system has the best ship combat rules?
5. Does anyone use the X-wing system for ship combat or any of the other war games for fleet battles or ground battles?
6. What have to Frankensteined in to you SW game ruleswise?
1-3: FFG
4: Never found a ‘great’ set of ship combat rules
5: no
6: Nothing
Silent Death is THE great set of Star Wars fighters and small ships game. Star Wars Gamer magazine actually published stats for core Star Wars fighters in Silent Death, so it's even an official Star Wars fighter combat game.

Which reminds me the game and miniatures are still available here: https://silent-death.mx/
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1. Star Wars WEG d6 - IMO the only one worthy of the name.
2. I don't.
3. Drama dictates
4. Star Wars WEG d6 has great chase rules
5. Nah.
6. Rules-wise we have gotten a little bit of the later editions in there but I prefer the fast and loose nature of the d6 system.

Relevant because we are playing this at the moment.
For people running SW d6 versions I will point you to the d6 Space RPG 'Ships' supplement which has a very complete set of star ship construction rules and lots of other space ship action rules and ideas.
So, one other thing, Spacemaster Privateers has the very best robot rules I've ever seen in an rpg upto and including an in setting rationale for them having to learn by experience like normal people but alternatives for other settings. The overall set-up is that features are keyed to a tech level and have a cost in credits and in character points. I don't know the whole thing is really well set up and you can use training packages as uploaded skill packages. It fits well technologically and in game mechanic terms.

SPAM would really do a good job of Star Wars. It's technological pardigm is very similar and there's a 'chase' style starship combat system for those who don't want maps and miniatures. Something about landing an attack with a Mark 30 torpedo just feels good. The only thing is I don't think anyone's ever done up the races and honestly I'm not that interested in Star Wars and generally loathe the West End Games monoculture approach so I wouldn't be cannonical if I did take on the races as a project.

Something in the Sensenet hunts and kills androids that plug into it but nobody knows what. My guess is a mad Xanotasian Queen brain tape but that's based on my theory that the Xanotasian Queens are behind most of the mysteries in the setting because they're the only ones with interstellar ftl telepathy.
I played a post episode 6 campaign in WEG (1e-2e) back in the day & it was great.
I ran ToR in True20 a while agao & it was great. Mind you that was before the dark times, before the mouse empire.
Vehicle/starship combat was pretty solid in both. I only very slightly prefer True20 to D6 because I don't care for huge dice pools (3-4 is enough).
I have tried for nearly a decade to like savage worlds, even through Star Wars. But it just doesn't quite do it for me.
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