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  1. Jamfke

    Wednesday Night Gamestream on Paint Minis Live!

    Hey there! We're at it again this evening over at Paint Minis Live with another one of my silly games! This week we're playing Dream Weaver, a game of children fighting monsters in the real world using their imagination and the power of the Light of Purity to drive them back to the Dream World...
  2. Jamfke

    Come Watch A Game of Blazin' Sixes Live!

    Hey there! I'm joining forces with the excellent miniature painter BillT on his livestream channel, Paint Minis Live, starting this Wednesday evening at 8:45 pm central time. Come and watch us bumble through our first session as we get things rolling! We'll be playing one of my games every...
  3. Jamfke

    Simple Apocalypse on Discord Wednesday Evenings

    Hey all. I've been running a Wednesday night post apocalypse campaign over on my Discord server for about three years now. We started out playing using a mix of first and second edition Gamma World and had a lot of fun with it, but I recently introduced my Simple Sixes Revised version called...
  4. Jamfke

    GUOGC Part Duh! (Great Underground Online Gaming Convention 2)

    Hey there PubCrawlers! I will be debuting my Heroes of Legend game which uses the 4C Expanded rules set at this year's GUOGC 2 (Great Underground Online Gaming Convention) which will be held over at "the Dungeon Delver" Bill Silvey's Discord server ( which was...
  5. Jamfke

    Come & Listen to Me Ramble About 4C Expanded!

    I hope this is the right place to post this! I will be a guest on Bill Silvey's The Dungeon Delver YouTube channel tomorrow evening at 8PM CDT (Thursday 2-23-23). I'll be talking about 4C Expanded, my latest release of Galactic Odyssey, the 4CX Monstrous Compendium, Tales of the West, and one of...
  6. Jamfke

    Page Count For Digest Size

    How many pages is too many for a digest size (6x9) core book with setting material? I'm currently up to 300 pages and might have a few more to add. I've been toying with the idea of splitting it up into a players manual and a GM guide, but not sure. Thoughts?
  7. Jamfke

    Old Toys, Great Memories

    I have one of these sitting up in my mom's attic. I was blown away when I ripped the wrapping paper off the box on Christmas morning. Those chin cannons were so awesome, especially after dark!
  8. Jamfke


  9. Jamfke

    Yet Another Icon Passes. RIP Sidney Poitier
  10. Jamfke

    R.I.P. Betty White

    This lady was a real gem. Goodbye Betty White. It was a pleasure growing up in the world you existed in and made so wonderfully hilarious. Thank you.
  11. Jamfke

    Utter Silliness & Some Such
  12. Jamfke

    What Are Your Must Haves When It Comes to a Bestiary

    What are the most essential critters you expect to find in any bestiary? Some creatures from D&D are off limits due to copyright or trademark issues, but there are a ton of regular monstrous beasties that can take the place of those. Foregoing the usual suspects (orcs, goblins, skeletons...
  13. Jamfke

    Tenra Bansho Zero Tell Me What You Know

    I was dreaming up a new dice scheme using a D6 roll under idea and figured that since everything's been done before, as they say, I did a quick Gargle search to see if there were any systems already similar to what I have been cooking. Found a list that spoke about Tenra Bansho Zero and went...
  14. Jamfke

    Any Biker Gang Games Out There?

    Sons of Anarchy kind of stuff? Or would that be too niche of an idea to build a game on? If not, what rules system would you imagine something like that would work best with? I'm thinking one of the OSR systems would be a decent match.
  15. Jamfke

    1st Edition AD&D Livestream Gaming - To Castle Greyhawk!

    Hey folks! I've started playing in a 1st Edition AD&D game with the @thedungeondelver every Tuesday. We've started out as an unlikely band of first level characters and are heading to explore Castle Greyhawk. We have myself as a Half-Elf Ranger, an Elven Fighter/Magic User, a Gnome Fighter/Thief...
  16. Jamfke

    Ultimate Star Wars

  17. Jamfke

    Interest Check: Tales of the West

    Just checking to see if anyone would want to give my game a try using the 4C Expanded rules. We can do play by post here or do a little trial run of what I'm cooking up on the Astral VTT. The game is situated in the fictional mining town of Bloodstone near Death Valley in the late 1860s to 70s...
  18. Jamfke

    Views on VTT Modules

    I'm currently working on a module for the Astral VTT for my Tales of the West RPG. I've already added most of the maps to the city of Bloodstone, the fictional mining town in my game, and all of the NPCs listed for it too. I've put in a request to get my bestiary added to their system so I can...
  19. Jamfke

    Matrix Remake for $20!

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