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  1. Black Vulmea

    Gladiator Campaign: Any Experiences?

    Sure, this is how we played Melee. Rather like the way En Garde! developed its social milieu, we started off with a series of pit fights but eventually we wanted to know what happened to our characters when they weren't in the arena, so first there was a tavern they all visited between bouts...
  2. Black Vulmea

    Real Life and What's Happening...

    The Cabin Boy's "promposal" to his girlfriend was yesterday. There was scenery and a costume. There was a soundtrack and light effects. There was a crew of four. There was a dress rehearsal. There was two-camera videography. It was a PRODUCTION.
  3. Black Vulmea

    Publishers, licensors, showing respect: who and how?

    I like sketchy. I like loose. I like adding meat to the bones.
  4. Black Vulmea

    Should Character Sheets Have That Space For Portraits

    I don't usually have that kinda room.
  5. Black Vulmea

    (OSR) Nets, bolas, lassos... how would you implement them for player use?

    A lasso's a ranged grappling attack. A net's a ranged area grappling attack. If you're up to speed on how grappling works in whatever system you're using, then whips, nets et al become relatively straightforward to adjudicate.
  6. Black Vulmea

    OSR: what is it even

    Noisms has an interesting data point to consider: The OSR is Much, Much Bigger Than You Think Another thought: this explains why tabletop roleplaying games in general continue to be a going concern.
  7. Black Vulmea

    Are (RPG) Message Boards starting to reach an inflection point of decline?

    One of those little mothers bit the crap out of my foot. Wait, that might've been just a d4 . . . :irritated:
  8. Black Vulmea

    5D Role-Playing: The Highest Level of All!

    Video or it never happened. I'm Black Vulmea and I approve of this product or service! :thumbsup:
  9. Black Vulmea

    [MSPE] How well does it handle the "spies" part of its title?

    My only sustained use of MSPE was for a Frank Buck "Bring 'em back alive!" crossed with Terry and the Pirates campaign of catching wild animals for zoos in 1930s Southeast Asia and Oceania; I also ran a Sam Spade, Maltese Falcon thing just for a weekend. "Spies" can mean different things to...
  10. Black Vulmea

    RPG GM's and Storytellers

    Agreed - it's my preferred term of art as well. That said, I love that Top Secret uses "Administrator" and for my d20 Modern campaign of park rangers and ocean lifeguards, I dubbed myself the "Incident Commander." :thumbsup:
  11. Black Vulmea

    Fudging in RPGs

    Here's my not-analogy. If I'm a prospective player in your game, I'm going to ask you, "Do you fudge rolls? I prefer to play the dice where they lay, so if that's not cool with you, I'd like to know." You say fudging is in the rules of many roleplaying games, and that's true: the OPTION may be...
  12. Black Vulmea

    Is it okay if player characters never die?

    Try rolling them on a snare drum.
  13. Black Vulmea

    Fudging in RPGs

    Can confirm. :thumbsup:
  14. Black Vulmea

    Ideas for random encounters in a hiking horror adventure

    Cultists. The 1975 movie Race with The Devil freaked me the fuck out when I was a kid, especially since we had an RV. Something along the line of Race . . . crossed with The Blair Witch Project, with some Mythos undertones could fit the bill. A little foreshadowing with people in town or at the...
  15. Black Vulmea

    What's the opposite of escapism?

    Ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances. It's one of the reasons that 'classic' Traveller - "Pensioners in SPAAAAACE!" - remains one of my favorite roleplaying games.
  16. Black Vulmea

    Homebrew Settings

    I ran something with a very similar premise using d20 Modern. The mind flayers in my game were developing a supersoldier program . . .
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