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Some of us actually prefer random character generation. I’d much prefer to randomly generate and character and flesh out their backstory during play than have to make it all up ahead of time. Maybe it’s because I also GM and have to create all the NPCs when I run a game but when I play the last thing I want to do is mess with point buy.
Yep. My favorite form of character creation is grabbing a random one from a stack of pregens, all statted and equipped, with only the background--which is not of critical significance--left blank.
Some of us actually prefer random character generation. I’d much prefer to randomly generate and character and flesh out their backstory during play than have to make it all up ahead of time. Maybe it’s because I also GM and have to create all the NPCs when I run a game but when I play the last thing I want to do is mess with point buy.

This, this a thousand times this! I'm old, don't have a lot of time, so having a random character option is bliss for me. Plus, its great for new(er) players, like my son and his group of newbs. Not a lot to explain: roll some dice, consult some tables, write some shit down, and lets go!
Some of us actually prefer random character generation. I’d much prefer to randomly generate and character and flesh out their backstory during play than have to make it all up ahead of time. Maybe it’s because I also GM and have to create all the NPCs when I run a game but when I play the last thing I want to do is mess with point buy.
Sure, I dig some random char-gen too. I generally dig Traveller style over D&D style, because "When I was 26, I got promoted in the Navy" is more inspiring of character background to me than "My STR is 13, my DEX is 11". I also like the TSR Marvel Style of random chargen, where you can kind of choose just how much you want to let the game randomize (Random power categories and I choose the specific power? Random specific power? Random Talents?) On the point buy side I tend to prefer gated point buy, though The Fantasy Trip is a good example of open point buy that isn't too fiddly for me. Also, just being handed a character sheet and going with it is great on occasion.
Some of us actually prefer random character generation. I’d much prefer to randomly generate and character and flesh out their backstory during play than have to make it all up ahead of time. Maybe it’s because I also GM and have to create all the NPCs when I run a game but when I play the last thing I want to do is mess with point buy.

I like point buy, HERO is my desert island game, but sometimes I do want to just roll up a character instead of engineering one.

At least for me there is more of a lets see where this goes aspect to a rolled character. Sometimes it almost feels like I'm meeting the character as I go, where with point buy I generally have a pretty solid idea in mind from the start.
I like point buy, classless, skill-based systems because they give me more options for coming up with an interesting mix of skills to fit unique character types I dream up. I don't really worry about "optimizing" things. I just like playing unusual characters. Even if they don't start out with very strong skills in a particular area, point buy systems usually make it easier to develop those things over time. If I wanted to play a soldier who secretly always wanted to be a cobbler, for example, I could really build up those shoemaking skills over time easier in a point-buy system.

At least for me there is more of a lets see where this goes aspect to a rolled character. Sometimes it almost feels like I'm meeting the character as I go, where with point buy I generally have a pretty solid idea in mind from the start.
I totally agree with this. Usually when I play as opposed to GM I am very happy to just meet the character as you say. That said I am a big fan of Cyberpunk 2020 but at least it is partially random with the character background roll.
I’ll take random roll up or point buy. Anything but pregen. I hate pregen. Prefer classes but I’m fine with classless. If it’s a one off I’m a lot more flexible with chargen and will play what I’m given to the best of my ability.
I’ll take random roll up or point buy. Anything but pregen. I hate pregen. Prefer classes but I’m fine with classless. If it’s a one off I’m a lot more flexible with chargen and will play what I’m given to the best of my ability.
I'm here with you, I'll roll. I'll make one with points, I'll do character generation if at all possible, I don't want to be handed something pre-made (I don't mind archetypes as a starting point though, either.)
If it is a one shot or a supers game I’m ok with a pregen. I know that’s maybe a strange exception but although we rolled up tons of Marvel Super Heroes characters we mostly played modules, the only game we extensively played modules in, and in MSH modules you are best off playing the characters that come with the module.
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