Know any good Historical systems/setting/inspiration for games?

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May 2, 2023
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Reading over Mythras a while back; I enjoyed the ancient greek backdrop to the whole book, Man vs Mythical beasts along with the mundane perils of the ancient world such as treacherous landscapes, banditry, cults, plagues, and nobles who specifically have in for you and have the coin to employ many exotic ways to deal with irritating adventurers. It had me take a look into systems that factor in history such as Lion & Dragon and Harnworld, and I thought that a system that takes into account history and applies it to it's rules/theme more is convenient for not having to buy a setting book after but I'd rather use books dedicated to history and brainstorm a setting out of that and use Mythras or any other system that fit the theme/tone I had in mind.

Are there any books that cover ancient civilizations and the intricacies of their folklore, civilizations, and understandings of the world that I could look into for inspiration? Any civilization will do, Norse, Celtic, Greek, Anglo-Saxon, and/or any others; I want to get inspiration and recognize what other games take from history to tell their stories. Especially about the peculiarities of a civilization such as reading stars to tell one's fate or looking deeply into a fire to find meaning/commune to spirits. Even books that aren't strictly history but is inspired by it and tells an interesting story are welcome, along with epics/poems written by writers of that civilization such as Homer's Odessey. Even books expressly written for TTRPG use as a setting, but uses great historical inspiration or skews existing history in a compelling way to make for a more interesting setting.
That’s a wide brief! There are plenty of suggestions in the ‘Resources for Historical Games’ and ‘Best Historical Settings Threads’.

Two possibilities:

Trevor Bryce, The Kingdom of the Hittites (Oxford, 2005).

Matthew Dickie, Magic and Magicians in the Greco-Roman World (London, 2001).
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