New SWADE KS (Pinnacle)

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Legendary Pubber
Nov 24, 2018
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So after dropping on to Pinnacle's website, I found these two pre-orders.

So for anyone that likes Savage Worlds...would you be interested in these?
Both are currently in my basket.
I'm in on that Legends of Ghost Mountain Kickstarter.
I suspect I will pick both of those up when one of my FLGS has them. I had a lot of fun running the new SWADE version of Deadlands.

Ghost Mountain just sounds kind of fun. Another potential campaign to add to my ever growing list!
I might be interested in the Horror Companion, depending on what is in it. I'm not going to buy it blind, though. I'll need to see more about the contents first.
Apparently you can play a monster, there are rules variant magics and the Cthulhu Mythos - which was never well covered in Realms of Cthulhu.
At least this is what I have heard.
Eh I still have the old Horror Companion (with its questionable art and outdated cheesecake) and it seems broad enough to use with SWADE.
I also have the old horror companion and still find it useful, but I'll likely get the new one once it finds its way to my FLGS, just because I like the SWADE system a lot and I like horror.
I'll pick up the horror companion for sure at some point. SW definitely has some of my favorite settings of all time.
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