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I have both games, and enjoy them. If you like old school D&D-style RPGs you would like those. They are level-based RPGs which use a familiar rules set (it's a "house" rules set called O.G.R.E.S. but is structured to be familiar to those who have played 1970's-1980's era TSR products.) Night Shift is a modern-day supernatural RPG which takes its inspiration from Charmed, Supernatural, Buffy, and that style of play. Wasted Lands reminds me a lot of a Cthulhu-style horror campaign. Jason Vey, the author of both products, also did Amazing Adventures (for both C&C and 5E) so he's used to mixing familiar mechanics along with interesting settings. My family likes Night Shift better than Wasted Lands, but I think they both offer some neat ideas and one could do a crossover campaign using material from both.
I have Night Shift: Veterans of the Psychic Wars, but haven't yet been able to convince my players to try it. It's very much an OSR game, in both senses: 'old-school' as in classes and levels and all that, but renaissance in that the game adds to and adapts rules rather than just swapping names. For example, there are mook rules, along with discussion about their use to suit a campaign (and mention of the inverse ninja rule - the few enemies in a scene, the tougher they are). There's a straightforward optional skill system that starts low but ramps up reasonably quickly (skill starts at stat x 2 rounded to the nearest 5%, so a stat of 12 gets a skill of 25%, any skill that gets used goes up 5% when levelling up. There's support in the game for a range of urban fantasy/horror campaigns (including customizable monster PCs).

Irrelevant to the game itself, but: I kickstarted the game, the kickstarter ran smoothly, but by the time the hard copies were ready to go out I couldn't cover international shipping. I let the creator know and asked them to find a good home for the book. Later, the book came in the mail! Very generous and very appreciated!
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