[The Division] How to do the pandemic apocalypse

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Legendary Pubber
Jan 6, 2020
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I broke out these games and was replaying them post-pandemic (which certainly changes my opinion of the games a great deal). So I'm thinking of doing a game of it and was wondering what sort of system would be best.

World-Building Wise, I'm thinking of the following qualities:

+ I like the idea the SHD (Strategic Homeland Division) is actually a really BAD idea that the PCs are going to have to interrogate where their authority comes from. Basically, they were given absurd amounts of authority and a very loosely defined set of powers that, in the end, most of the members of the Division can't handle. Plenty of them will go rogue and in the face of the breakdown of government authority, who knows if going rogue is the right decision as the only person who determines whether you've crossed the line is a non-sentient AI. On the other hand, though, the SHD is about the only game in town that explicitly wants to restore a democratic free society and is a leftover part of the previous government structure.

+ I like the Division 2 dealing with conspiracies but not advocating conspiracy THEORY. The Dollar Flu was created by a random terrorist scientist using homemade equipment but the President was assassinated by the Black Tusk and Speaker of the House in an attempt to do a coup de tat that sort of fell apart because all it did was disrupt the attempts to keep the country intact. Given the real role of conspiracy theorists in RL, I'm pretty sure a lot of the terrorists and crazy people you'll have to shoot are motivated by the belief the government or other nebulous groups are "behind" the virus.

+ Diplomacy is an element of the game that I think will be much more possible than the alternative in the game (as it's not a shooter). The JTF has fallen apart and thus the US military and other first responders have all gone their separate ways, sometimes becoming their own hostile factions but maybe you can reach out to some of these people and bring them back. However, how much is forgivable in the post-apocalypse? Your character can offer amnesty but do you want to give it to the people involved in the Black Tusk coup or Cleaners who burned down apartment buildings full of recovering victims?

+ The high lethality of the Dollar Flu means that it actually is burned out less than a year after its attack with plenty of people either immune, surviving, or asymptomatic carriers. It's evolving, though, to be less lethal and dealing with this factoid is a background element. Finding a cure for it or treatments in old smallpox vaccines is a possible adventure. So is trying to figure out how to deal with the lesser outbreaks.

+ Not sure how the rest of the world is coping with the Dollar Flu but I'm guessing "Not well."

Any and all suggestions for the game are welcome.
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