Cyber Future RPGs

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That's actually a great point, agreed. So I should have played the "Mythras can do that!" card instead.

chuckdee chuckdee I'm just striking out left and right. lol. Actually if I am not being glib, which I was in the other posts. I'm really digging The Black Sword Hack, I'd love to see more done with that. More books basically, too bad Kobayashi Kobayashi wants to move onto other things.
chuckdee chuckdee I'm just striking out left and right. lol. Actually if I am not being glib, which I was in the other posts. I'm really digging The Black Sword Hack, I'd love to see more done with that. More books basically, too bad Kobayashi Kobayashi wants to move onto other things.
Have no fear, I'll keep supporting the Black Sword Hack via the Chaos Crier zine!
I generally like Neon City Overdrive, I've seen other games like Crescendo of Violence, Interface Zero, Carbon Grey, CBR PNK, Carbon 2185, and so on.
Holy shit. That was my favorite television show of all time.
Such a great show, so dark and the people so fucked up. 10 years before Dexter, 22 years before You, Jim Profit was a main character who’s evil on the serial killer/psychopath level. I read they tried to get Adrian Pasdar to play Jim Profit on Angel, hired by Wolfram and Hart. That would have been awesome.

There's also Mirrorshades which is based on The Black Hack. I liked it and it's pretty complete. The only real problem with it is that I can't find a PDF of it anymore. Looks like the creator has pulled it from sale for some reason. The physical book is still available through some channels, like Amazon, though.
There is a pdf on DrivethruRPG for Mirrorshades, and it is a cyberfuture setting. However it's an add-on resource for the Adventurers! system which I know nothing about, and Adventurers! is produced by a different indie publisher to Mirrorshades, so it all gets wonky.
If a Black Hack version ever shows up again I might consider looking at it.
What, specifically, would you say it needs more of?
It's not so much as Need as opposed to a Want.
The core Black Hack engine is pretty light and that's the charm of it, so I wouldn't want too much more in game stats crunch - perhaps a wider range of tech/equip/cyberwear examples etc.
I'ld really like a bit more setting material to hang the plots from, and of course I'm a sucker for evocative artwork (which is not necessary to run a session, but does help stimulate my creativity). Random sandbox tables etc would also be good.
Basically I'm cool with cottage-indie rpg material if the pdfs are only about $5 AUD or so, but if I'm paying any more than this then I want to grab a professionally finished product.
Just personal preference :thumbsup:

In terms of game mechanics, alot of hard work may perhaps be redlined if Tech and Cyberwear are just trappings of the Powers mechanics from Mythras Destined.
Hmmm maybe fiddling between M-Space and Destined could be the sweet spot for a Mythras GM Tinkerer in terms of game mechanics.
Then just make up the cyberfuture setting as you go, obiviously influenced by Blade Runner, Cyberpunk, Altered Carbon, etc it's almost as generalised/iconic as high fantasy is now

Mythras would be quite a good system for cyberfuture, definately an area TDM should possibly explore in a book or two (althouigh commercially the market is probably saturated with Cyberpunk 2020/Red, Shadowrun, Altered Carbon, etc)
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There is a pdf on DrivethruRPG for Mirrorshades, and it is a cyberfuture setting. However it's an add-on resource for the Adventurers! system which I know nothing about, and Adventurers! is produced by a different indie publisher to Mirrorshades, so it all gets wonky.
If a Black Hack version ever shows up again I might consider looking at it.
Yeah, that Mirrorshades is a totally unrelated product to The Black Hack based Mirrorshades. I found a seemingly active blog belonging to the creator of The Black Hack one and they seem to be gaming and making games still but their blog makes no mention of Mirrorshades. It feels like they've actively gone out of their way to remove any trace of the product sadly.

Anyway, while investigating Mirrorshades I was reminded of another Black Hack based Cyberpunk game called Dancing With Bullets Under a Neon Sun.
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