Looking forward to 2023

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Legendary Pubber
Jul 9, 2018
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Looking Forward to 2023

I acquired a few games in 2022 that I'd like to bring to the table in 2023.
Alien by Free League (plus expansions). I'd love to run this for a 10-12 session game. I have the option to run either a standard game or a Colonial Marines based game. I guess it will depend on who I manage to talk into playing which I go for.

Next up is another Free League masterpiece - Vaesen. I've played a short campaign of this but I'd like to try out the Britain and Ireland setting for a closer to home feel. Again a 10 session game would be nice. Although Liminal is another option for a British Folklore game as is Casting the Runes and Fearful Symmetries.

With the arrival of The Predestination Engine I have more scenarios for Casting the Runes. I really like the MR James vibe from this game and am running the first scenario from this book for a GUMSHOE season in February.

Another game I'd like to run is more Bookhounds just for it's seedy pre-war London feel. Old Pathe newsreels and black and white films set just the right tone for such a game. I've been watching old episodes of Rupert Davies' Maigret from the early 60's which really has the right feel for post-war France to get in the right place for odd mysteries.

I'd love to play a Fall of Delta Green game this coming year. I have the book but I suspect it's not neccessarily a milieu that is likely to appeal to a lot of my usual gaming people.

Thinking of running a 70's spy game by toning down Night's Black Agents and losing the vampires. So more Sandbaggers than Spooks and sort of inspired by TV series like A Spy amongst Friends and similar Cold War spy fiction. I'd also liked to run The Persephone Extraction using full blown NBA.

Maskwitches by Jonny Hodgson's Handiwork Games is another really good game that fit's the setting like a glove. I've run a couple of one-shots of this but I'd like to try a longer game. However I do think it's better suited to one-shots. For a longer game in a similar setting I think I might go Paleomythic.

Picked up Ken Hite's Madness Dossier but I think I'd probably run it using Mythras rather than GURPS. Mythras has all the appropriate whistles and bells plus it has the creatures Ken uses already statted up in Mythic Babylon.

For more Mythos horror I think I'd like to run a couple of things Pelgrane's Yellow King and Chaosium's Tatters of the King this year. I already have Tatters set up on Foundry and I suspect Yellow King would be easy to add using the Investigator system.

On top of the existing Masks of Nyarlathotep and Cold Fire Within campaigns I'm already playing 2023 should be packed with games.

I’m looking forward to running Palladium Fantasy 1E, After the Bomb 2E, and Top Secret S.I. for my regular groups. In addition I plan to run Boot Hill 2E, FASA Star Trek, Barbarians of Lemuria and Dicey Tales at conventions both online and in person. I’m sure I’ll run other things as well.

As far as playing I’m in a Pathfinder 1E game of Wrath of the Righteous that will continue (we are near the end of book two), an AD&D 1E game, a playtest of REAVER (an upcoming sword & sorcery game by Raven God Games), play by post games of En Garde!, Corporia, and ICRPG and various shorter length games and one shots on line. I expect all those to continue.
I'm looking forward to my Cold Iron Blackmarsh Adventures campaign that is starting. I've got a bunch of players willing to give it a spin.

Also my ongoing RuneQuest 1st edition campaign (Glorantha).
Alien by Free League (plus expansions). I'd love to run this for a 10-12 session game. I have the option to run either a standard game or a Colonial Marines based game. I guess it will depend on who I manage to talk into playing which I go for.

Next up is another Free League masterpiece - Vaesen. I've played a short campaign of this but I'd like to try out the Britain and Ireland setting for a closer to home feel. Again a 10 session game would be nice. Although Liminal is another option for a British Folklore game as is Casting the Runes and Fearful Symmetries.
These are both games a potential GM has discussed maybe running in the near future, so I'd be very interested to hear of your experiences with the game, as and when. Please do keep us informed.
Hoping to finish long-running Two Wells DW campaign and start an Ironsworn hexcrawl. Possibly in co-op mode, but we’ll see.
I'm looking forward to continuing my Dragonbane/Dolmenwood campaign, and potentially running the official campaign once the physical copy arrives. I would also like to run some more Broken Compass, probably a Greek demigods campaign using the "of Gods and Men" What if, and heavily based on the Richard Purtill Kaphtu trilogy. I'll probably also try a one-shot of Maskwitches once my physical copy arrives.

Beyond that, I'm sure I'll be distracted by some shiny new thing.
I'm looking forward to continuing my Dragonbane/Dolmenwood campaign, and potentially running the official campaign once the physical copy arrives. I would also like to run some more Broken Compass, probably a Greek demigods campaign using the "of Gods and Men" What if, and heavily based on the Richard Purtill Kaphtu trilogy. I'll probably also try a one-shot of Maskwitches once my physical copy arrives.

Beyond that, I'm sure I'll be distracted by some shiny new thing.
I've run a couple of games of Maskwitches based on an early release and the final pdf and it's great fun. However you realy have to have players who will engage with the game. If players are passive then it will drag as you have to get input from them to really make the game work.
Looking forward to playing...something. Hopefully in 2023.

OTOH, if the dry spell continues, I might have the time to do more writing/ranslating of RPGs:shade:!
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