What are y'all up to these days?

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FWIW I've never looked into 40k in much detail but everything I've seen or heard of it made me roll my eyes. I'm not bothered by it, but the whole thing just doesn't sound like fun.
FWIW I've never looked into 40k in much detail but everything I've seen or heard of it made me roll my eyes. I'm not bothered by it, but the whole thing just doesn't sound like fun.
It's a funny setting, I've found that people either love it or not, without a ton of middle ground. I've been gaming in it since the 80's and it is one of my all time favorite SciFi settings, but I completely get why people would be turned off. I'm not a huge fan of the RPGs though, they are all a little crunchy for me. I'd probably OSR that shizz if I were going to run it.
FWIW I've never looked into 40k in much detail but everything I've seen or heard of it made me roll my eyes. I'm not bothered by it, but the whole thing just doesn't sound like fun.
It's basically an OTT space fantasy. It's not just a big empire that requires a large bureaucracy, but so big it needs bureaucracy planets with half-man half-machine scribes grown in vats in the billions placed into hive cities to process the paperwork. Vampire angel men fighting demons as nukes are dropped from orbit. And so on and so on for everything. So it's either super-dumb or super-cool (or if you're a fan it's really both).
I'm not a huge fan of the RPGs though, they are all a little crunchy for me.
Setting is great but after playing in an 18 month long campaign I can say with confidence that the system is caca. It's too crunchy and whiffy. The psionics fumble so frequently that no one in their right mind would ever realistically use them.
It's basically an OTT space fantasy. It's not just a big empire that requires a large bureaucracy, but so big it needs bureaucracy planets with half-man half-machine scribes grown in vats in the billions placed into hive cities to process the paperwork. Vampire angel men fighting demons as nukes are dropped from orbit. And so on and so on for everything. So it's either super-dumb or super-cool (or if you're a fan it's really both).
We once had a GM who was spoiling his otherwise great GURPS Star Wars game by gradually making it darker, edgier and more evil and "serious". This did not go over well with the players. So this is just not something I enjoy.

I like Shadow of the Demon Lord and enjoyed playing Warhammer Fantasy, but that's more or less as grimdark as it gets for me.
In related news, I've managed to get some sample output from the prototype (here). Raw, it's a bit cluttered, but I can convert the postscript file to PDF and edit it in Illustrator.

I think the next steps are to apply a bit of artistic licence. The labels can be moved apart to de-clutter in Illustrator, which is a start; this only takes a few minutes so it's quite practical. Then, there are about 60 or 70 systems, and this could be pruned by about half, I think. There are loads of red dwarfs that are no use to man or beast, so a bit of judicious pruning should tidy up the sectors.

I'm quite encouraged by this - I think it could be made to work. Next step is a distance matrix generator, and a rehash of an older program I wrote to generate star system contents.
Here's what I did instead of writing. It is four Public Domain works by different artists kloodged into one scene.


  • Chilling.pdf
    357.8 KB · Views: 5
Metahumans Rising's November Adventure Seed Poll

Each month House Dok creates a unique one shot adventure, using the Metahumans Rising RPG.

Our Patrons can now vote in this month's poll. It's November and that means Gobbler's back! Vote for the next One Shots.

Foulest Kaiju Fight, Gobbler V Butterball (Seriously, who doesn't want to play out two giant birds fighting over a city?)
For the Horde, Gobbler returns with a new army of turkeys (It's like Gobbler II, but with a twist....)
Gobbler Park, A private corporation is offering tours in Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest (home of Gobbler)

Metahumans Rising is small press #TTRPG, join our #Patreon to support us & the Steel Aces #WebComic. Support starts at $2 dollars a month and gives #Patrons access to exclusive content like: early access, behind the scenes videos of the Steel Aces comic, the Beta Bullpen, and the Campaign Vault.

Curious but want to try things out first? You can pick up a Metahumans Rising Core Book PDF for free on Drive Thru RPG. (Actually, all our PFDs are free! We want to encourage activities that can be shared with friends online while we still need to physically distance.)

Want to read about Gobbler's past hijinks?

I can only remember one Halloween session in all my years of gaming, and it was the very first session I played. Halloween 1975 after an SF club meeting and there was no Halloween theme. It was just John's regular campaign. I never ran anything Halloween themed, although a Troll Grinch once stole Christmas.
Wait...that means I've had more Halloween sessions than you:shock:?
FWIW I've never looked into 40k in much detail but everything I've seen or heard of it made me roll my eyes. I'm not bothered by it, but the whole thing just doesn't sound like fun.
That's actually my opinion as well. Though I gave it a shot once, because some friends love the setting.
I've played worse people than our DH PCs in other settings, too,so that wasn't an issue:thumbsup:.
We once had a GM who was spoiling his otherwise great GURPS Star Wars game by gradually making it darker, edgier and more evil and "serious". This did not go over well with the players. So this is just not something I enjoy.

I like Shadow of the Demon Lord and enjoyed playing Warhammer Fantasy, but that's more or less as grimdark as it gets for me.
40K was originally satire, then went through a period in the early 2000s where it was super "dark". It stopped that about ten years ago and now it's more just back to being OTT. Personally I'd say it's a while since it was dark in an earnest sense. It's still Dragonball level dumb OTT though.

It's very similar to the trajectory for Dredd. Originally satire, then it was "dark" (although Dredd never went quite as far as 40K), but for a long while now it's just been fun with more fleshed out characters.
Setting is great but after playing in an 18 month long campaign I can say with confidence that the system is caca. It's too crunchy and whiffy. The psionics fumble so frequently that no one in their right mind would ever realistically use them.
I don't think realistic psions would have a problem with that:shade:!
I've never actually gamed on Halloween, as my bff and I have a 15-years-and-counting tradition of having an all-day horror movie marathon on Halloween, but I tend to run a horror-tinged adventure for whatever session falls closest to Halloween.
Just put up a poll on Twitter for National Game Design Month.

Please Vote
At the start of the month I ran Star Trek: TNG (LUG edition) for Nuke-Con's first virtual convention. It was an interesting ride, if a bit bumpy from technical issues.

On Sunday I successfully concluded an RPG campaign for the first time in my gamemastering career. It was a homebrew Call of Cthulhu campaign titled "The Great (Old Ones) Outdoors" and based on Stranger Things and Children of the Stones. Only one death in the whole campaign - it happened at the end, and it was a counselor, not one of the kids.

Lots of fun - summer camp hijinks combined with the eldritch machinations of the lloigor, and some close encounters with bigfoot to boot! :grin:

Now I'm getting ready to run my Nuke-Con scenarios at GameHole Con's first virtual con this weekend. I have an info page for the events on my blog.
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On Sunday I successfully concluded an RPG campaign for the first time in my gamemastering career. It was a homebrew Call of Cthulhu campaign titled "The Great (Old Ones) Outdoors" and based on Stranger Things and Children of the Stones. Only one death in the whole campaign - it happened at the end, and it was a counselor, not one of the kids.

Lots of fun - summer camp hijinks combined with the eldritch machinations of the lloigor, and some close encounters with bigfoot to boot! :grin:

Cool idea, love Children of the Stones, sounds like a great campaign.
Cool idea, love Children of the Stones, sounds like a great campaign.
It was a good idea, if not a semi-successful experiment in campaigns. The original intent was to give the players a chance to play either adult or kid characters, but I think if I were to run it again, I'd have the players all play kids. That way everybody is on the same page of the script. The other thing I would change would be to not try to mix Miskatonic Repository material with a new edition's character generation. Just "Keep It Simple".

Other than that, my experiment of "playing short" (as in "Life is Hard, Play Short") worked. Essentially I ran eight or nine adventures - same length as a season on Netflix.
Just put up a poll on Twitter for National Game Design Month.

Please Vote

With just over a day left, PSI: Paranormal Special Investigators is currently leading with 55% of the vote.

Get in and vote. Don't use Twitter? Tell your friend who does, get them to vote.
PSI: Part 1 Campaign Setting Design Overview
Our first update for @TheNaGaDeMon is a high level skeleton of the setting, with notes on tone, powers and the factions PCs can expect to run into.

#TTRPG #RPG #Superheroes #PSI

Enjoying our setting development process and want to join us? Become a Patron at any level to contribute to the world of PSI!

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/HouseDokPro

Website: http://housedok.com/

Print: https://studio2publishing.com/products/metahumans-rising?_pos=2&_sid=145b3fa95&_ss=r\

PDF: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/277614/Metahumans-Rising
We are in Lockdown in England.

What I did before Lockdown: Work from home. Worked on Jonstown Compendium supplement. Run a RQ Game every Monday online. Watch Netflix and BBC 24. Go to Tesco's once a week.

What I do during Lockdown: Work from home. Work on Jonstown Compendium supplement. Run a RQ Game every Monday online. Watch Netflix and BBC 24. Go to Tesco's once a week.
I'd say voluntarily my house has locked down since end of February. I miss seeing people but oh my God I have so much more time. I don't drive now. No ferrying kids all the hell over. None of this massive kids schedule crap. Just a couple htof school and time around the house.
My Pendragon campaign continues at a slow pace. This is fine, I have eight players with play by post in prose style and yearly party splits. It's still good fun.

I continue to tear apart PbtA as a ruleset to put it back together in a form more useful to my playerbase and more entertaining for me to run while being largely opposed to what fans of the system love about it.
I think you're overselling the homonegaity of the fan base. The shouty-pants dimwits on some other forums are not the fan base. A real fan of PbtA would applaud anything you did with it. So, here, have some prepatory applause from a real PbtA fan. :thumbsup:
I must be trying to do too many things at once. Not only did I read "I miss peeing on people" but it didnt strike me as immediately odd.
I have small boys. It's entirely possible I would pee on or be peed on by a person. Fuck people leave me alone on the bathroom for gods sake. Also don't come in screaming bloody murder because your sister stole your shopkin.
I have small boys. It's entirely possible I would pee on or be peed on by a person. Fuck people leave me alone on the bathroom for gods sake. Also don't come in screaming bloody murder because your sister stole your shopkin.
I also have small boys, although I'm past getting regularly peed on. Yay!
Once travel is somewhat realistic I'd like to consider a move to Portugal. At least for a year is so so the kids get a feel for another culture. My mothers and her parents are of Portuguese descent but American for several generations so it's more out of faux nostalgia than any true close cultural contact. I have been to Portugal and stayed in Lisbon, Coimbra, Porto and cruised the Duro river to Salamanca.

Anyone here live in Portugal? I'd like to get a feel for what living there with four kids might be like.
Animal Powered 3: Capybara
The largest rodent on earth, not in politics. Capybaras are South American rodents who are remarkably fast, and amazingly cuddly. Which of course means a grappling speedster!

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Metahumans

Twitter: https://twitter.com/HouseDokPro

Website: http://housedok.com/

Print: https://studio2publishing.com/products/metahumans-rising?_pos=2&_sid=145b3fa95&_ss=r\

PDF: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/277614/Metahumans-Rising

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