Boot Hill: Pima County

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Juan waves at the man. He has seen him around town before.
"Hey, Rydell? Care for a drink? I'm just going to the general store, to see some friends. I think they'd like to buy you a drink, too".
Cougar Rydell blinks stupidly and squints at you with suspicion: "I know you? Why you wanna buy me a drink? What you want, boy? My claim's been staked an' I ain't sellin' out to no man."
"Just the soap and tobacco. Do you folks have a marshall or sheriff in this town?"
Parsons points at the backdoor of the general store and says, "That way to main Street. The marshal is right next door. That'll be 20¢."
"If someone were to try and sell some horses, and didn't want too many questions asked, where would he go in these parts?"
"Hard to say. I don't get outside town too much. I reckon he'd go to Mexico...or maybe the Big J Ranch. There's rumors. Maybe the Kerrigan Ranch." Parsons tilts his head in the direction of Cisco and Jesús and adds, "These fellas might know. Said they ride for the Seven Up brand."
Tybalt, Eugene, Quinn, Corbin, and Mary see their compadre Lars wandering apparently aimlessly near the ranch house until such time as he hears their arrival. The second gate guard sticks a chaw of tobacco in his cheek and moseys over to Lars. "Swede," he says to Lars, "them jackeroos claim as they know you. That so?" Lars immediately recognizing his companions despite their being covered in trail dust that has caked into their dried sweat after hours of fruitless riding in the Arizona sun.

"That they do," Lars says meekly. "That's my old boss. Howdy, Mister Crenshaw. Didn't expect to see you again so soon."
Cougar Rydell blinks stupidly and squints at you with suspicion: "I know you? Why you wanna buy me a drink? What you want, boy? My claim's been staked an' I ain't sellin' out to no man."
"Yeah, Mr. Rydell, we drank together once...and worry not, it's not about selling out. I can promise you that...I think Mr. Cisco might want to hire you. I just don't know about what, but it never hurts to listen to a man's offer, does it?"
"Yeah, Mr. Rydell, we drank together once...and worry not, it's not about selling out. I can promise you that...I think Mr. Cisco might want to hire you. I just don't know about what, but it never hurts to listen to a man's offer, does it?"
"Boy, I'll let you buy me two drinks!" replies Cougar Rydell. "But goddam, son, my name is Cougar not no Mister Rydell! Where we fixin' to wet our whistles?"
"That they do," Lars says meekly. "That's my old boss. Howdy, Mister Crenshaw. Didn't expect to see you again so soon."
The second guard signals to the first to allow Tybalt, Quinn, Mary, Corbin, and Eugene into the ranch and says, "If you're hungry, that there--" pointing at Lars "--is the cook, so take it up with him. If you're tired we ain't got no extra bunks but you're welcome to bed down in the stable or the barn. The hay's soft enough. You can leave your horses at the corral."
"Boy, I'll let you buy me two drinks!" replies Cougar Rydell. "But goddam, son, my name is Cougar not no Mister Rydell! Where we fixin' to wet our whistles?"
"OK, Cougar...and I'm just Juan", Juan says. "Let's go to the general store. We had an arrangement to meet there with Cisco."
"OK, Cougar...and I'm just Juan", Juan says. "Let's go to the general store. We had an arrangement to meet there with Cisco."
"He buyin'?" asks Cougar as you mosey back to the Wagon Wheel general store. He leaves his mule tied at the hitching rail outside the hardware store.
Parsons tilts his head in the direction of Cisco and Jesús and adds, "These fellas might know. Said they ride for the Seven Up brand."
"Well...," begins Mr. Parsons, glancing at his wife who tries to discreetly signal no with a shake of her head, "I don't rightly know this Crenshaw or Seven Up outfit, but I reckon I can give a man a chance, maybe extend a hundred dollars credit, but I'd want to see cash on the barrelhead within thirty days before I'd go any further with it. From there, if he can make good, prob'ly more." Mrs. Parsons rolls her eyes and shakes her head disapprovingly. "He makes off with it," adds Mr. Parsons, "I'll make sure word gets around the Territory that he's a welsher. As for the Big J, I reckon you could ride out there in an hour or so without wearing out your horse. Trail isn't too bad but neither is it a straight line here to there. Be sure you don't miss the fork or you'll end up in Tucson with a thirsty horse."
'I thank you most sincerely,' replies Cisco to Parsons, 'and can assure you your trust will not be abused.' He turns to Jack, extends a hand once more. 'Samuel Kidd, sir. The Seven Up is newly arrived here in the territory, and as yet lacks a remuda of sufficient size to sell horses, but my compañeros and I are riding out to the J-Bar spread this afternoon and you would be welcome to join us on the trail.' Cisco looks back at Parsons. 'And the turn at that fork is in which direction?' The attorney thanks the storekeeper for his help, spies Juan and Rydell out the window, across the street. 'We have one more errand to perform here in town before we ride,' Cisco explains to Jack, 'and it will involve a free drink for you, if you are so inclined.'
"Nice to meet you Mr Kidd. My name is Mr Rueben John MacRegan, but Jack will do just fine." He says as he shakes Cisco's hand.
"I'll ride along with you to the J-Bar, but I'd like to stop at the marshall's office first."
Jack pays Parson's the 20¢ and turns back to Cisco and asks:
"This might seem an odd question, but have two shabby looking fellows, one with a hawk feather in his hat band and the other, a flea bitten runt who's always scratching himself, recently come into town leading a string of six horses, large Chestnuts, with an 'RDP' brand on their right haunch?"
Tybalt thanks the guards and enters.Tybalt effusively shakes Lares hand. "Oh my friend I had feared the worst after we had found the evidence of the bandits' dastardly deeds. You must tell us everything. EVERYTHING, oh the adventures you had in coming here".

Character actions
Tybalt leads his horse to the stable personally seeing to its needs while their he'll scan if anything is odd going on in the stable (equipment misplaced, horses not taken care of etc) and if there are any cattle with other brands then then J bar's. Tybalt hopefully delivered his "secret message" of getting the details on J bar to Lars. Tybalt will encourage the posse to mingle then meet up for a meal.
Tybalt thanks the guards and enters.Tybalt effusively shakes Lares hand. "Oh my friend I had feared the worst after we had found the evidence of the bandits' dastardly deeds. You must tell us everything. EVERYTHING, oh the adventures you had in coming here".

Character actions
Tybalt leads his horse to the stable personally seeing to its needs while their he'll scan if anything is odd going on in the stable (equipment misplaced, horses not taken care of etc) and if there are any cattle with other brands then then J bar's. Tybalt hopefully delivered his "secret message" of getting the details on J bar to Lars. Tybalt will encourage the posse to mingle then meet up for a meal.
There's nothing notable going on in the stables aside from some hands coming in for the night and rubbing down their horses while a few others saddle up for the night watch. All of the horses sport the J-Bar brand aside from those brought in by Lars, you, and your companions. There's plenty of water and hay as well as some corn and carrots for the horses. A couple of hands are tending to the horses and setting aside their saddles.
Tybalt thanks the guards and enters.Tybalt effusively shakes Lares hand. "Oh my friend I had feared the worst after we had found the evidence of the bandits' dastardly deeds. You must tell us everything. EVERYTHING, oh the adventures you had in coming here".

Character actions
Tybalt leads his horse to the stable personally seeing to its needs while their he'll scan if anything is odd going on in the stable (equipment misplaced, horses not taken care of etc) and if there are any cattle with other brands then then J bar's. Tybalt hopefully delivered his "secret message" of getting the details on J bar to Lars. Tybalt will encourage the posse to mingle then meet up for a meal.

"Er, no, I didn't run into any trouble," Lars says. He's actually feeling a bit embarrassed about how little he has to report. "But come by the kitchen later and we can talk and such."
"I surely will let me just take care of my horse" Tybalts says.

Character actions
Tybalt will meet with Lars and the posse at the kitchen to discuss whether J bar is above board and if so should we collect the bounty they posted. just waiting for everyone to have a chance to react till then.
"He buyin'?" asks Cougar as you mosey back to the Wagon Wheel general store. He leaves his mule tied at the hitching rail outside the hardware store.
"Sure he is!", Juan assures the man.
Quinn follows Tybalt to the stable. "I'll have a look around once my horse is seen to. I'll meet you back at the kitchen."
Quinn follows Tybalt to the stable. "I'll have a look around once my horse is seen to. I'll meet you back at the kitchen."
Anything in particular that Quinn wants to look into?
Corbin takes his horse off to the corral, having a slow look at the ranch environs as he does before heading to the kitchen
occ Just anything that looks out of the ordinary. He will also try to listen in on any conversations without being too obvious about it.
Corbin takes his horse off to the corral, having a slow look at the ranch environs as he does before heading to the kitchen
I'm going to assume Eugene and Mary are going with you as we haven't heard from Gringnr Gringnr and Doc Sammy Doc Sammy.

As Quinn, Corbin, Eugene, and Mary lead their tired horses over to the stable, they run into Tybalt who is just leaving them. The group can't help but overhear the conversation of a couple of cowhands who are leaning against a corral, elbows on the upper rail and one boot on the lower, and chewing tobacco:

"Them rustlers worked over Dahlgren and McKay real good, I hear."

"They're lucky they ain't dead."

"How many horses them rustlers make off with?"

"Four. Me an' Rucker ridin' up from the south must of scared 'em off afore they could finish the job."

"Know any of 'em?"

"Didn't get a good look at their faces. One of 'em wore a feather in his hatband, though, and another was a little guy. The rest was Mexicans, I reckon."

"Big Jim won't take that lying down."

"Reckon not."
"Rustlers, eh? That's not good. You said that one of them was wearing a feather? Do you think the local Indians may be connected to this?" said Mary with a sense of concern mixed with confusion
Eugene is trying to get his horse stabled quickly and catch up with Crenshaw. Sorry for the missed responses. Has Eugene seen Lars yet? He is eager to check on his Swedish friend.
"Rustlers, eh? That's not good. You said that one of them was wearing a feather? Do you think the local Indians may be connected to this?" said Mary with a sense of concern mixed with confusion
"Them was no Injuns."
Eugene is trying to get his horse stabled quickly and catch up with Crenshaw. Sorry for the missed responses. Has Eugene seen Lars yet? He is eager to check on his Swedish friend.
I assume all of you saw Lars when he came up to the gate.
Tybalt is puttering around in the stables seeing to the horses. He content to let other take the intiative till everyone meets up in the kitchen.
Eugene is trying to think of a way to talk to Lars without raiding suspicion, but decided to wait until we have had our audience with Big Jim.
"Northwest will take you to Tucson, northeast will take you to the Big J."
'I do thank you again, Mr Parsons, Mrs Parsons,' Cisco answers, touching his brim one more time.

"Nice to meet you Mr Kidd. My name is Mr Rueben John MacRegan, but Jack will do just fine." He says as he shakes Cisco's hand.
"I'll ride along with you to the J-Bar, but I'd like to stop at the marshall's office first."
Jack pays Parson's the 20¢ and turns back to Cisco and asks:
"This might seem an odd question, but have two shabby looking fellows, one with a hawk feather in his hat band and the other, a flea bitten runt who's always scratching himself, recently come into town leading a string of six horses, large Chestnuts, with an 'RDP' brand on their right haunch?"
'I'm afraid I can't be of assistance,' Cisco replies ruefully, 'as I haven't seen anyone who matches your colorful description.' He checks his watch adds, 'We will retire to the Yellow Rose while you conduct your business with the marshal, and ride out in a half-hour or so.' With that, he moves to join Juan and the prospector, suggests they go to the saloon down the street.

OOC: What time is it for the town party? Bunch Bunch, what's Jesús doing?
What time is it for the town party? Bunch Bunch, what's Jesús doing?
It's about 3:30 p.m. for the group in Saguaro.

It's about 6:30 p.m. for the group at the Big J Ranch.

(The time difference is due to skipping over hours of riding by the second group.)

Sunset on Tuesday, June 21, 1870 in this part of Arizona was about 7:30 p.m. I looked it up when I chose the date the game started. In case you're curious, the moon will be in last quarter phase "tonight."
I expect the time difference to even out "overnight" as your characters have to sleep sometime, or when the group in Saguaro uneventfully travels any significant distance.
'I do thank you again, Mr Parsons, Mrs Parsons,' Cisco answers, touching his brim one more time.

'I'm afraid I can't be of assistance,' Cisco replies ruefully, 'as I haven't seen anyone who matches your colorful description.' He checks his watch adds, 'We will retire to the Yellow Rose while you conduct your business with the marshal, and ride out in a half-hour or so.' With that, he moves to join Juan and the prospector, suggests they go to the saloon down the street.

OOC: What time is it for the town party? Bunch Bunch, what's Jesús doing?

" 'Right then, I I'll see you in a half hour."

(Jack then turns to Parsons and gives a quick nod as a gesture of good bye and goes through the door, following the directions given, towards the Marshall's office.
When he gets to the place,and before going in, he will see if there are any wanted posters tacked outside the door calling for arrest of McCoy or Jones. After he finishes his search he will open the door to the office, and before entering he will look to see who is inside. )
" 'Right then, I I'll see you in a half hour."

(Jack then turns to Parsons and gives a quick nod as a gesture of good bye and goes through the door, following the directions given, towards the Marshall's office.
When he gets to the place,and before going in, he will see if there are any wanted posters tacked outside the door calling for arrest of McCoy or Jones. After he finishes his search he will open the door to the office, and before entering he will look to see who is inside. )
Jack sees the remnants of a recently torn-down wanted poster, but currently nothing is tacked up outside the marshal's office. Looking inside the inward-opening door, which was already ajar, you see a Mexican charwoman on her knees beside a bucket of soapy water as she scrubs vomit from the floor in front of the jail door. As the jail door is directly opposite the marshal's doorway, you also see a ruddy-faced man curled up on a cot, snoring in his sleep. To the left of the entryway you see the marshal sitting with his boots propped up on his desk as he cleans the barrel of a .50-caliber Remington buffalo gun. A Smith & Wesson .44 lies on the desktop within easy reach. An engraved nameplate reads THOMAS J. CLARY, with the title MARSHAL in smaller letters underneath the name.
'I do thank you again, Mr Parsons, Mrs Parsons,' Cisco answers, touching his brim one more time.

'I'm afraid I can't be of assistance,' Cisco replies ruefully, 'as I haven't seen anyone who matches your colorful description.' He checks his watch adds, 'We will retire to the Yellow Rose while you conduct your business with the marshal, and ride out in a half-hour or so.' With that, he moves to join Juan and the prospector, suggests they go to the saloon down the street.

OOC: What time is it for the town party? Bunch Bunch, what's Jesús doing?
Jesus stares at a set of plates with a pattern very reminiscent of the ones his parents had. They'd worked years to afford them bringing them out for special guests. Thinking about home and how he may never be able to taste Momma's cooking again pained him. So lost in thought, Cisco's questions and directions go past him without acknowledgement. Finally snapping out of it he answers simply "Si" and trying to follow Cisco's lead as best he can.
Jack walks into the office. Before introducing himself he will try and get a read on the Marshal. What type of fellow is he? Does he look all spit and polish, or is he slovenly? Does he look like a drunkard? How he engages the Marshal depends on what he "senses" -his gut feeling about this man.
Jack walks into the office. Before introducing himself he will try and get a read on the Marshal. What type of fellow is he? Does he look all spit and polish, or is he slovenly? Does he look like a drunkard? How he engages the Marshal depends on what he "senses" -his gut feeling about this man.
Your initial impression, based on the spic-and-span organization of the marshal's office and his lean frame and serious countenance, is that the marshal is by-the-book and brooks no nonsense. Thinking the name has a familiar ring to it, you wonder if Marshal Thomas J. Clary is any relation to Sheriff Bud Clary of El Paso County, famed in law enforcement annals for burying the entire Cooley-Stinson Gang a few years back. "State your business," he calls from behind the desk.
Marshal Bud Clary.jpg
As Quinn, Corbin, Eugene, and Mary lead their tired horses over to the stable, they run into Tybalt who is just leaving them. The group can't help but overhear the conversation of a couple of cowhands who are leaning against a corral, elbows on the upper rail and one boot on the lower, and chewing tobacco:
Corbin approaches the cowhands.

"I think we might have seen a victim of them boys you're talking about. Did you get a glimpse at what kind of weapons they might have been carrying?"
Corbin approaches the cowhands.

"I think we might have seen a victim of them boys you're talking about. Did you get a glimpse at what kind of weapons they might have been carrying?"
"Didn't get too close afore they lit a shuck, but I reckon they looked to be totin' Colts and Sharps rifles, mainly, an' they all wore bandoliers full of extra cartridges. They weren't goin' to Sunday school."
Jack takes a draw on his pipe.
"Are you Marshal Clary? My name is MacRegan. Inspector MacRegan, Royal Dominion Police, out of Fort Garry Manitobah. I am looking for two men that I believe are in this area. One goes by the name of McCoy, and the other calls himself Jones. McCoy wears a hawk feather in his hatband, dark complexion likes to play poker and ornery as a wolverine. Jones is a sawed-off runt always scratching himself like a mangey hound, and a mouth bigger than a bison."

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Jack takes a draw on his pipe.
"Are you Marshal Clary? My name is MacRegan. Inspector MacRegan, Royal Dominion Police, out of Fort Garry Manitobah. I am looking for two men that I believe are in this area. One goes by the name of McCoy, and the other calls himself Jones. McCoy wears a hawk feather in his hatband, dark complexion likes to play poker and ornery as a wolverine. Jones is a sawed-off runt always scratching himself like a mangey hound, and a mouth bigger than a bison."
"You're a long way from home, MacRegan," replies Marshal Clary as he sits upright and gestures to an empty chair. "Take a load off and tell me what makes you think your boys're in my neck of the woods. I also wouldn't mind seeing some documentation that puts you square with the law down here, given the Royal Dominion Police means about as much as the Rurales 'less 'n Uncle Sam puts his stamp of approval on it. I'm sure you understand. I had to put the kibosh on some would-be vigilantes just this morning."
"You're a long way from home, MacRegan," replies Marshal Clary as he sits upright and gestures to an empty chair. "Take a load off and tell me what makes you think your boys're in my neck of the woods. I also wouldn't mind seeing some documentation that puts you square with the law down here, given the Royal Dominion Police means about as much as the Rurales 'less 'n Uncle Sam puts his stamp of approval on it. I'm sure you understand. I had to put the kibosh on some would-be vigilantes just this morning."

"Don't mind if I do."

Jack sits down in the chair, slowly reaches into his left coat pocket, withdraws the warrants of arrest for the two fugitives, and tosses them on the desk in front of Clary. He is certain to make sure that he pulls back his lapel enough that Clary is able to see his badge pinned on his vest, and the cap badge that's pinned on the inside of the coat. As Clary reads the warrants, Jack will tell him what happened.
(The Badge MacRegan has probably says "INSPECTOR")

(Cap Badge)

"In early March of this year, we heard that there were a couple of no good Yankees, no offence intended, selling whiskey and rustled horses to the Siuox near Brandon. There were also rumours that they were selling rifles, but I have no proof of that. I don't know what your laws are down here, but the government in Ottawa doesn't want anyone to sell whiskey or guns to the Injuns. When we caught wind of this, five constables and a Sergeant rode out to see what was going on. Although technically this was Hudson Bay land, they have ceded all legal jurisdiction to Ottawa, and word has it that all of Rupert's Land will soon come under Canadian authority. About 30 miles south of Brandon, the party was bushwhacked by McCoy, Jones, and two Metis renegades. The lads manged to kill one of the Metis, and wound the other badly before they were done in. Before the Metis died he told a fur trader that chanced upon him what had happened and who had done it. The fur trader, hoping for a reward, brought the bodies of my comrades back, and told us what happened. They sent me out after the fugitive Americans.

I was able to pick up their trail in the Cree Indian Territory, and almost had them then, but they started high tailing it south after a local farmer tipped them off. At least I was able to confiscate the whiskey that they left behind when they started running. I followed them through the Dakota Territory, into Nebraska, and I almost lost them in Colorado, but I figured that they would probably aim for Arizona over Utah. I was right. I met a preacher about two days north of Tucson a who saw McCoy and Jones. He described them to me perfectly. The funny thing is that, they still have the six horses that they took when they killed the constables up north. If it weren't for these I probably wouldn't have been able to follow them this far south, for so long.

I was hoping that they would head to Tucson. I spoke with Marshal Phelps, but he hadn't heard anything about them. I figured that Saguaro would probably be a good bet, so headed over here. There it is Clary, the whole story. The writ says dead or alive, and is countersigned by some senior official in Washington called Ebenezer R. Hoar. I mean to have them, one way or another, either bring them back to Manitoba, or hang them myself, as the writ and Crown give me the authority to do. So, have you seen these rascals, or heard tell of them?"
"Well, MacRegan, it's good to have another lawman in town even if just for a spell. As you can see, I'm shy a deputy at the moment. Your account matches up with my information, only I hadn't any names to hang on the men responsible. Men matching your descriptions of McCoy and Jones have been reported stealing horses up at the Big J spread as well as the Andersson and Kerrigan ranches, only they've had others with them. Sounds like your quarry have joined up with some like-minded individuals and started themselves a gang." He taps out a corn cob pipe and offers you tobacco before filling up and lighting. He goes on to say, "If I were you, I'd call on Big Jim Wayne, Karl and Olaf Andersson, and Laura Kerrigan to see what they know. I don't have much else for you as I'm busy enough in Saguaro and haven't talked to them myself."
"Thank you" Jack replies as he takes a pinch of tobacco and tamps and lights his pipe. "Big J you say? Well before I came in to see you I ran into a chap by the name of Kidd. He said that he was riding up to the Big J and would spot me a drink if I rode along and helped him with an errand. I am feeling kind of thirsty right about now, and in the mood to socialise with this Wayne fellow and those others you mentioned. I think I'll take him up on his offer. Do you know anything about him? Should I be watching my back?"

Jack stands up retrieves his warrants, and extends his hand to Clary.

"I appreciate you taking the time to hear me out Clary. Oh, I would be obliged if you kept what we talked about under your hat for the time being."

He casually glances at the charwoman and the prisoner as he speaks.

"I don't want my hand tipped, and have them get spooked. I don't speak any Spanish, if you catch my drift?"
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