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:grin: Furniture that nice needs to be kept in plastic for posterity! :ooh: I mean, just look at that bucolic country scenery! :heart: It's so nice it might even warrant being in the Forbidden Room, the room where nice furniture and curios are kept for special guests on special occasions.

:argh: Git yer feet offa them priceless heirlooms and go outside 'n clean yer shoes on the door mat, ya damn barn animal! Where the hell do you think you are? And make yerself useful, bring a beer from the outside cooler when you come back in, too. :shade::drink:
You just described my grandparents' house, minus the beer. The mysterious second living room was a time capsule. It had incredibly uncomfortable furniture, an old floor cabinet radio, and the most bland decor possible. It was opened maybe twice a year and was always immaculate. I always got a weird vibe from it.
Afterburner Afterburner, that room is such a ready adventure location.

Anyway, the trouble with a thread this large is it gets hard to remember what has or hasn't been posted yet.

But just in case they haven't appeared here yet, here's an entire episode of Paw Paws, the miniature native American bears with a magic totem-pole mecha.

Apparently I need to drop by this thread more often.
That succubus picture always gets me....
When we were getting into D&D, back in junior high, my parents weren't at all concerned that we were playing a game about magic and wizards and demons and what-not. But my mother was appalled. APPALLED! That there was a nekkid lady on the cover of Eldritch Wizardry. And that we were taking this book to school and other kids' houses, where teachers and other kids' parents might see this, and what would they think? So she took a green Magic Marker and drew a dress over her. I think my brother still has it. Cracks me up every time I think about it.

Listen here, you little shits...

In light of the last photo, I see your awesome McDonalds Ash tray and raise you Star Wars Burger King glasses.
So, when I was a kid, we had a dishwasher. His name was [TheSaint]. We washed all of our dishes by hand in the sink. And since my brother was a lazy bum, I ended up washing most of them. And we didn't have all of these glasses, but we had a lot of them. And one day I was washing the dishes, and I slipped my hand into one of them (the one on the bottom left, with Artoo and Threepio on it.) and was swishing it out with the dish cloth, and <pop>. The side of the glass just popped right out. And the sharp edge of the glass sliced right into the side of my pinky finger, right on the side of the last knuckle. It went clear down to the bone, no way a band-aid was going to fix that. So, since it was the middle of he day on summer vacation, we went to the family doctor's office, Dr. Watkins. He looked it over, said, "I don't think that skin flap is going to survive, it's too thin. But I'll put some stitches in just in case. If it starts to turn black, bring him back in and we'll skin graft it." But, lo and behold, the skin flap survived and it did heal. And to this day I have a u-shaped scar on the outside of my right pinky, looking at it right now.

OMG, you and I lived parallel lives! My dad would send 9-10 year old me, on my bike, down to the local liquor store a few blocks down the street to buy beer, cigarettes, and whatever candy I wanted (for the record, my dad was an alcoholic, and smoking eventually led to COPD, which killed him :thumbsdown: ) I'd go get his beer out of the fridge, grab the candy I wanted, then go to the counter and tell them I wanted a pack of Marlboro's. The Iranian guys behind the counter looked at me like I was crazy the first time I did this. They asked, "Is this for you?" I'm like, "No, its for my dad. The candy is for me" And they were like, "Ok" and rang it up. Insane...
Yep. I remember my dad handing my brother and I a $20 and sending us down to the liquor store to pick up a carton of smokes and whatever candy we wanted. Unfiltered Camels. No beer, dad didn't drink.
I loved Teeny Little Super Guy as a kid, but it always mystified me, even when I was very young.

Some, I understand now as creative stop motion: "How did they make the cartoon on glasses?" "How did they make the glasses and other kitchen stuff move like that?"

Some, the mystery still confounds me to this day: "Why glasses and other kitchen stuff?" "No, seriously, why is all this on kitchen stuff?"


Huh, found this for more information on the mysteries of the stop motion...

Still no answer for why they used cups, glasses, and other kitchen utensils, though.
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You just described my grandparents' house, minus the beer. The mysterious second living room was a time capsule. It had incredibly uncomfortable furniture, an old floor cabinet radio, and the most bland decor possible. It was opened maybe twice a year and was always immaculate. I always got a weird vibe from it.
OMG, just saw this one, made me remember a story.

So, one of my friends in high school, Steve. We're over at his house for a weekend, playing D&D of course. (The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth. Don't ask me why I remember that, I have no clue.) His parents were away for the weekend, we were sleeping over. So, his house was weird. (His whole life was weird, but anyway...) It was totally open plan, no walls at all downstairs. Kinda reminded me of the Brady Bunch, with the open stairs in the big room going up to the bedrooms on the second floor thing. So, in the big giant space out in the front of the house, they had their dining room area, with the big table, where we were playing. And then next to that they had this space that was the "living room". It was literally cordoned off with white metal railings, like you would see around a porch. And inside the railings there was a couch, and a loveseat, and an armchair, and a coffee table, and a couple of end tables and lamps. And that was it. Totally immaculate. Back under the bedrooms was a den, with couches and the television, etc. But this was the "living room".

So, we're taking a bathroom/snack break at oh-dark-thirty, and a couple of the guys get up from the dining room and go sit down on the couch in the living room, because it's more comfy than the chairs around the table. They're sitting there eating their chips and talking, the rest of us are at the table doing whatever. Steve comes back from the bathroom, and goes white as a sheet. He's all, "What...what are you guys doing?" Everyone is totally confused. "Sitting around talking?" "YOU'RE IN THE LIVING ROOM!" Apparently his mom was completely psychotic about the living room. Since he had been born it had been drilled into him that nobody ever went into the living room, it was only for insanely formal occasions. Like, if you are proposing marriage then you are allowed to sit in the living room, otherwise stay out. He wasn't even allowed to go in there to clean, only his mother was allowed to clean the living room. And he hadn't said anything because, well, he just thought everyone's house had a "living room". So, he was completely freaking out. We're all, "No, dude, it's no big deal. We'll just put the pillows back and smooth the footprints out of the carpet and nobody will ever know." He's all, "SHE'LL KNOW! I'M GOING TO BE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE!"

The punchline is: For all the trouble we went to make it look perfect, apparently when his mom came home she instantly knew that someone had been in the living room. And she grounded him for two weeks. And we were never allowed to have a sleepover at his house ever again.
OMG, just saw this one, made me remember a story.

So, one of my friends in high school, Steve. We're over at his house for a weekend, playing D&D of course. (The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth. Don't ask me why I remember that, I have no clue.) His parents were away for the weekend, we were sleeping over. So, his house was weird. (His whole life was weird, but anyway...) It was totally open plan, no walls at all downstairs. Kinda reminded me of the Brady Bunch, with the open stairs in the big room going up to the bedrooms on the second floor thing. So, in the big giant space out in the front of the house, they had their dining room area, with the big table, where we were playing. And then next to that they had this space that was the "living room". It was literally cordoned off with white metal railings, like you would see around a porch. And inside the railings there was a couch, and a loveseat, and an armchair, and a coffee table, and a couple of end tables and lamps. And that was it. Totally immaculate. Back under the bedrooms was a den, with couches and the television, etc. But this was the "living room".

So, we're taking a bathroom/snack break at oh-dark-thirty, and a couple of the guys get up from the dining room and go sit down on the couch in the living room, because it's more comfy than the chairs around the table. They're sitting there eating their chips and talking, the rest of us are at the table doing whatever. Steve comes back from the bathroom, and goes white as a sheet. He's all, "What...what are you guys doing?" Everyone is totally confused. "Sitting around talking?" "YOU'RE IN THE LIVING ROOM!" Apparently his mom was completely psychotic about the living room. Since he had been born it had been drilled into him that nobody ever went into the living room, it was only for insanely formal occasions. Like, if you are proposing marriage then you are allowed to sit in the living room, otherwise stay out. He wasn't even allowed to go in there to clean, only his mother was allowed to clean the living room. And he hadn't said anything because, well, he just thought everyone's house had a "living room". So, he was completely freaking out. We're all, "No, dude, it's no big deal. We'll just put the pillows back and smooth the footprints out of the carpet and nobody will ever know." He's all, "SHE'LL KNOW! I'M GOING TO BE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE!"

The punchline is: For all the trouble we went to make it look perfect, apparently when his mom came home she instantly knew that someone had been in the living room. And she grounded him for two weeks. And we were never allowed to have a sleepover at his house ever again.
I soo knew houses like that. Wrought Iron Rails (sometimes white, sometimes black) etc. Also the psychotic mom who "WOULD KNOW!" and had her kids who are scared shitless of her. My next door neighbors two sons who were the same age bracket as myself and my step brother had a mom like that.

My step brother and I had a lot of fun corrupting them and then watching the entertainment as they failed to deal with their mother when she had a slight clue as to what we were all up to. "No, you don't get it, she'll know!" were common responds. Good times.
That's creepy! If we looked like that, no wonder everyone turned their lights off on Halloween...
Yeah I don't miss those masks from when I was a little kid. They were very freaky honestly and I didn't like how they felt on my skin. I had a Casper the friendly ghost mask I recall. I also remember the Flintstones being popular as well.
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