[Bit of Fun] Guess the RPG from a screenshot of a page spread!

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It's almost as acronymtastic as C&S 3e but it's the wrong acronyms so I don't think it's C&S 4 or 5.

It doesn't look like Ars Magica or Talisantia. The font isn't as dark and heavy as the one used in Lejendary Adventures and it's not the trade dress of Dangerous Journeys.

I'm going to guess Bare Bones. Not my Bare Bones but that other one that flourished for a while,
Good observations. It is not any of those.
I think I have one still othat hasn't had a guess on it.
I've recognised a few and have no clue on many. So here is my contribution(s)

Game 1

Game 2
Traveller. Good times.

Edit: was in a hurry. I should explain. I only have Classic Traveller, a straight reprint of the original booklets. The formatting just screamed "Traveller" to me even before I saw the range modifier & PGMP.

Will post a couple new ones in a while.
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Ok, you guys have made it to my LEVEL FIVE, which should prove to be rather more difficult, I would think.

I'll even be surprised if anyone gets this one:

Some of the acronyms suggest World of Warcraft. There were a couple of WoW tabletop RPGs—or multiple editions of the same one, I can’t recall—but I’ve never seen any of them.
And I'll guess Azhanti High Lightning. :grin:

Given the typography and the 'Integration with Traveller' heading, it was fairly obviously a GDW publication. Given enough guesses, I suppose someone was eventually bound to get it right. Still, it took guesses of Snapshot and Striker to eliminate the other possibilities.
Given the typography and the 'Integration with Traveller' heading, it was fairly obviously a GDW publication. Given enough guesses, I suppose someone was eventually bound to get it right. Still, it took guesses of Snapshot and Striker to eliminate the other possibilities.
Well it could be the High Guard book, the Mercenaries book, or any of the other mil/combat themed books. Or I suppose the second lbb with more careers. I guess I can scan it again for more specific clues.

Edit: Ok, the wound table & the "The Blobs" entry tell me its probably an adjunct or specific multi-game adventure. I could probably google up but I'll admit to stumpage on just experience.
The first of these is old, but perhaps not very obscure:

View attachment 48017

The second is considerably newer, but fairly obscure:

View attachment 48018
The first is Dragon Quest.
The second is Babylon on which fame and jubilation are bestowed. I have not heard of this one before.

You may wish to remove references to the games' names before posting next time.
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